Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Day 2.

Yay! Its “Super Insomnia Party Time”!

So, I’m having a great time being unable to sleep! Everything is cool and under control as I enter the 30th hour! Yes! I will win this race.
-Who are you racing against?
-Well, you of course.
-Of course.

7am and I’m still awake. Isn’t that nice?


I am not obsessive-compulsive. I just pretend to be because I know girls dig it.
-No, they do not.
-Sure they do.
-Then why don’t you have a girlfriend?
-Shut up.

Arrrhhh its “Imaginary Debate Time” wooot woooot woooot

-I’m for it
-I’m against it
-Shut up.

Woooot woooot WOOOOOOOT

Seriously, I need to sleep. : (
But not really! : )

Yaaaaaaay insomnia is great!
-No, its not.
-Shut up.

Yeah, every now and then insomnia makes me her hostage. Its been quite a while since this happened, I usually sleep very well. I have no idea why it comes or how to make it go away. I just can’t sleep. However, more than 24 hours in a row is too much, and its rather rare. Now, the matter is that I will probably feel super-uber-sleepy at like 3pm, which will pretty much fuck up my inner clock. And its cold like the dark side of the Moon in here. And since its after 7am (very early or very late, depends on your point of view)already, I might as well wait a couple hours and have breakfast.

Woooot woooot

(that’s supposed to be an owl’s sound)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Its ten years today, and we still miss you. Thank you so much for everything, Carl Sagan.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Such a nerd.

It is about time I dedicate a post to my absolute geekness. So, here is a D&D-related article I just wrote.

Poorly equipped.

So, you have no money to arm your Lv. 1 fighter before you go bounty hunting? Don’t worry! There is plenty of equipment you can afford with that one copper piece!

The seed sack.
As the cleaver name implies, you can make a small (if effective and easy to conceal) bludgeoning weapon dealing 1d2+Str Mod with a handful of beans or small rocks and a small pouch. Tie it at the end of a feet of rope and you have a half-assed sort-of-flail. Now go smack the crap out of those orcs!

The nail puncher.
You need a small piece of wood and three nails. The piece if wood should be about two inches long and round or squareish in shape, so you can hold it comfortably in your fist and throw a punch. Once you have your piece off wood, nail three nails on it, in such a way that you can hold it and the nails come out between your fingers. Not so impressive at 1d3+Str Mod, the nail puncher is easy to make, use and replace.

The rock bolas.
Find two decently round river stones. They should be the same size and weight, so don’t be afraid to take twenty on your craft checks to make them so. Once you have them, tie them together some two feet apart. Holding the middle of the rope, swing it and throw it to entangle enemies within twenty feet away! Or, deal 1d3+Str Mod hitting commoners with it.

The longfork.
This weapon is more annoying than deadly. Steal a metal fork from the local tavern. Attach it in the end of a short pole. Now you can poke people from a couple of feet. 1d1 is no big deal.

The club
Any roughly clublike piece of wood will do. Or, go to a carpenter and ask him if he has any scrap for your warmonger purposes. Nails will add some elegance to it.

Bamboo and bottle.
If your adventure takes place in a place where bamboo grows and people drinks, you can do this. Buy a bottle. Now, look for a bamboo the same thickness of the neck your bottle. Once you find it, cut it (or break it, since you probably lack a knife; given that you are desperate enough to make this weapon) and plug the bottle in it. Wield it against foes! If you are lucky, only the bottom of the bottle will break after the first hit, and you will have a spear of sorts. It won’t last too long, though.

Also, there are forms of attack your non-casting, low-level character can use while deprived from cash! This include:
-Throwing rocks.
-Foul language/gestures.
-Realise you are unarmed and run like a girl.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Happy monkey day!

Go read BoingBoing.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Welcome to the Rat Race.

Yeah, I have job now. I sold my soul to the corporate world! Well, no, not really. And while it is true I have no interest in money, I have interest for the things I can exchange it for. Turns out you can trade money for products and services! I want products and services!

I lived like a king for a while; now its time to live like monk. To maximise the use of my new found income, I will impose a Soviet-like austerity program upon my personal finances. That way (ohhh economics!!), by reducing my expenses and increasing my income, I will gather money faster, money I can later use in self indulgent activities, such as eating.

Kidding. My life is pretty much ok as far food goes. But, I will save most of what I make, that’s for sure. Maybe later I talk a bit of my work environment. Maybe not. Either way, I give you the sexiest potato evah!