Monday, December 04, 2006

Welcome to the Rat Race.

Yeah, I have job now. I sold my soul to the corporate world! Well, no, not really. And while it is true I have no interest in money, I have interest for the things I can exchange it for. Turns out you can trade money for products and services! I want products and services!

I lived like a king for a while; now its time to live like monk. To maximise the use of my new found income, I will impose a Soviet-like austerity program upon my personal finances. That way (ohhh economics!!), by reducing my expenses and increasing my income, I will gather money faster, money I can later use in self indulgent activities, such as eating.

Kidding. My life is pretty much ok as far food goes. But, I will save most of what I make, that’s for sure. Maybe later I talk a bit of my work environment. Maybe not. Either way, I give you the sexiest potato evah!


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