I'm pretty sure I'm getting on this
TRIGGER WARNING: [Nouns, opinions]
So fat acceptance. Turns out some
people are fat. Actually, a lot of people are fat. Srly. A lot. Some
studies point to half the population of developed countries being
overweight. Now that's a pretty serious public health issue.
The fat acceptance movement is this
thing going on --mostly online-- that preaches there is either
nothing wrong with being fat or alternatively that there is nothing
that can be done about it and thinking otherwise makes you an
asshole. Those are really the two main deals there.
Ok no, let me start over.
There is a thing called fat acceptance.
It means that you should not be a dick to people just because they
are fat. You should treat everyone with the same respect and
observance of basic human dignity, regardless of their weight. So far
so good. That is entirely reasonable. It is also ethically correct:
after all, even if you hold the (medically validated) opinion that
being fat is for the most part pretty bad for you health, you still
don't know why the person is fat. Maybe they have emotional problems
and cope with them via food, maybe there is something off with their
metabolism. Maybe they are fat because they choose to be fat. And,
being the liberal self reliance-loving individualist that you are,
you just have to respect that even if you disagree with it.
So you happen to be fat and you think
that being made fun of sucks. You are right. And yes, those guys
making fun of you are douchebags. No controversy there. Now somehow
extrapolating that to the idea that not being able to fit in an
airplane seat is the tip of the iceberg of this all-encompasing
conspiracy to bully fat people is fucking ridiculous. Airplane seats
are not designed to hold 370kg people for the same reason they are
not designed to accommodate a 2.5 meter tall guy. It is simply too
unusual. It makes no economic sense to design seats for anything but
the most common body sizes. You are super short and you take a plane?
Congrats, lots of space! You play basketball and measure 217cm? Well
shit, you are going to be pretty cramped in there. Deal with it.
That's really all the is to it.
A big component of at least part of the
fat acceptance movement is the idea that you can be fat and healthy.
Well, you can be sorta fat and still be sorta healthy. Sure, we all
know this chubby guy or girl that still manages to lead an active
life even with a little extra fluff here and there. There is no hard,
clear line beyond which you are no longer healthy. But lets be honest
here, extra weight correlates with blood pressure, and that alone is
meaningful enough to warrant keeping at least some control over you
weight. You don't need to be an Olympic athlete to be considered
healthy. You don't need to look like a super model or have 0.2% body
fat to be healthy. You can live a happy, long life with that beer pot
of yours and still be agile and strong enough to not only navigate
daily life, but play the occasional football match with friends or
partake in one those ever-more-popular 5km runs if you dedicate just
a little bit of your time to stay in basic shape.
But if your weight is depriving you
from stuff then there is something wrong, and out of self-love and
self-respect you ought to do something about it. If it is becoming
something that prevents you from operating like a normal person, if
it keeps you from doing things you like or going to places you like
then you need to look into it and try to fix it.
So no, if you are too fat to move on
your own then no, you are probably not healthy.
Now the other, uglier, more toxic
approach to the fat acceptance movement is the idea of weight being
completely unrelated to habits and life style. These people say (I
shit you not) that thermodynamics is somehow a bogus qwack and they
stay fat no matter what they do. They will tell you, in all
seriousness , that the success rate of weight loss programs is so
astronomically low that enduring the heart breaking process of
starting a diet only to irremediably fail and regain all or even more
weight is just not worth it. But fear not! You don't need to change a
thing. EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD. So you don't fit in an airplane seat?
The airline is at fault. They give you a special, wide seat specially
designed to accommodate larger passengers? They are oppressing you!
Having special seats for fat people is somehow just as bad as having
separate restrooms for blacks and whites. That's the mentality.
Maybe I'm just biased. I took a dive
into tumblr to read about this and the victim complex of these people
is mind boggling. Really. It makes it really hard to tell the trolls
from the actual, honest bloggers who hold these views. It's like the
first time you read about the tenants of scientology. You cannot
avoid suspecting that who ever wrote that is fucking with you.
Enter the final component: internet
social justice warriors. Yes, the cancer of the modern civilization.
These lazy fucks who share a pic of a dead kid in a shore and
accompany it with a self-serving, condemning remark. And that is it.
They did nothing to help anyone, they just bitch and whine and moan
about how “the system” and “the man” is holding them down and
how much more sensitive and inclusive and progressive they are-- but
then they don't do shit. They think complaining is on itself a form
of activism. Like they can do their part to solve the great
injustices of the world by sharing shit on facebook, rather than, I
outside and getting stuff done.
So with the internet social justice
warrior comes a barrage of “isms” and “whatever-phobic”. If
you believe people should strive for a healthy life, you are guilty
of healthism. You think the model on the cover of Bulky Dudes Weekly
is more attractive than the morbidly obese guy on the Discovery
Channel? You are fatphobic.
You fatphobic fuck.
Also, you need to check your privilege.
Yeah, check that privilege you healthist shitlord.
So anyway. I conclude:
-The internet is fucking insane.
-Being fat becomes a problem when it
starts taking stuff you care about away from you.
-Losing weight is doable. People who
regain weight stopped doing whatever they were doing when they lost
it in the first place. So yeah, jumping into fad diets that make you
utterly miserable is probably not going to work out in the long run.
-You shape your body with your
actions-- unless you were born with some malformation. You have a
natural tendency to put on weight? Tough shit. Well, better be
careful with food then. Life is not always fair.
-Your shape is not the most important
aspect of who you are. People who tell you otherwise are either jerks
or are trying to sell you something.
-If magazines make you feel like shit,
don't fuckin buy them.
-If you honestly don't give a fuck, get
as fat as you want and enjoy them donuts! But bear in mind you will
trade in some stuff for it. Namely, you ability to function in an
environment with gravity.