Always at school.
Well, its live and learn I guess. Through out my many years, life has given me a bunch of lessons. Some things I learned the easy way, and some others I learned the hard way. Usually, the hard way makes the lesson last longer, and make up far more interesting stories. So much so, that I decided to make a short list of things I have had the fortune to learn walking the long way.
Thinks I learned the hard way:
-The sweeter the drink, the stronger the hang over.
-If you let them dry, blood stains will NEVER come off.
-Don’t fight a cop (even if you kick his ass).
-Be patient.
-Don’t expect anyone to support you.
-Never pour Scope into your drink. If so, seek medical help immediately.
-Fire. Careful with fire.
-Good ‘ol tequila is no friend of yours, no matter what nationalistic propaganda claims.
-Never assume you know what a girl wants.
-Actually, you don’t know shit about women. You can be married for 40 years, and still, you won’t know shit about women.
-Some turtles CAN bite.
-Yoghurt seems to turn poisonous after expiration date.
-Fibre. For the love of god, fibre.
-Raw meet is usually not a good idea.
-Some things smell foul and yet, taste awesome.
-Not all things, of course.
-A car with all doors and windows closed will float for about 5 minutes.
-Aim and THEN shoot.
-Go easy on the super spicy stuff. All you eat, you will shit later.
-Flammable and inflammable both mean that it WILL burn. Go figure.
-Do not pierce the empty can.
-Some dogs bark and bite. And some bite without barking. Motherfuckers.
-User friendly my ass.
-When firemen run, run in the same direction.
-You are not Rambo, so shave with a razor.
-There are no perfect plans.
-Your mom can tell. ALWAYS.
-Ponies are evil.
-You can get high on cough syrup.
-Love can hurt. A lot.
-Books are not bullet proof.
-Spare tires have a purpose.
-Moist powder can ignite.
-So can moist magnesium.
-Gasoline is not a pest control tool. Nor an alternative to the land mower.
-Sunlight is your sworn enemy.
And what did you learned the hard way?
The list will (maybe) go on tomorrow. Or later. Who knows?
Also, I know I’m not updating this as often as I used too. But I wears them glasseses now! So now that I have the smart (or, the OMFGsmartsorz) looks I may be too smart for a blog. Ha, yeah right. No, really, there is more to come.
Thinks I learned the hard way:
-The sweeter the drink, the stronger the hang over.
-If you let them dry, blood stains will NEVER come off.
-Don’t fight a cop (even if you kick his ass).
-Be patient.
-Don’t expect anyone to support you.
-Never pour Scope into your drink. If so, seek medical help immediately.
-Fire. Careful with fire.
-Good ‘ol tequila is no friend of yours, no matter what nationalistic propaganda claims.
-Never assume you know what a girl wants.
-Actually, you don’t know shit about women. You can be married for 40 years, and still, you won’t know shit about women.
-Some turtles CAN bite.
-Yoghurt seems to turn poisonous after expiration date.
-Fibre. For the love of god, fibre.
-Raw meet is usually not a good idea.
-Some things smell foul and yet, taste awesome.
-Not all things, of course.
-A car with all doors and windows closed will float for about 5 minutes.
-Aim and THEN shoot.
-Go easy on the super spicy stuff. All you eat, you will shit later.
-Flammable and inflammable both mean that it WILL burn. Go figure.
-Do not pierce the empty can.
-Some dogs bark and bite. And some bite without barking. Motherfuckers.
-User friendly my ass.
-When firemen run, run in the same direction.
-You are not Rambo, so shave with a razor.
-There are no perfect plans.
-Your mom can tell. ALWAYS.
-Ponies are evil.
-You can get high on cough syrup.
-Love can hurt. A lot.
-Books are not bullet proof.
-Spare tires have a purpose.
-Moist powder can ignite.
-So can moist magnesium.
-Gasoline is not a pest control tool. Nor an alternative to the land mower.
-Sunlight is your sworn enemy.
And what did you learned the hard way?
The list will (maybe) go on tomorrow. Or later. Who knows?
Also, I know I’m not updating this as often as I used too. But I wears them glasseses now! So now that I have the smart (or, the OMFGsmartsorz) looks I may be too smart for a blog. Ha, yeah right. No, really, there is more to come.