BE the monkey.
You don't have a mohawk or wear a mohawk. You sport a mohawk. Not only that, but you sport it with a manly sport. Like war! Or rugby! So, why do you rugby a mohwak? For the same reason you verb any other noun-- no convey a message. The message can be:
1.-I find fashion pointless, styles are ridiculous now as they were five centuries ago.
2.-I reject mainstream aesthetics.
3.-I'm a mohawk.
4.-No. Fuck you, I'm a mohawk.
5.-I drive a taxi.
6.-I am not like you. I don't want to look like you.
7.-I have something to take care of (which really is what mohawks are supposed to mean)
And then you take off the mohawk. Maybe you are not mad any more. Or you don't want to look too threatening. Or you figure that the less hair you have the easier the tin foil hat fits.
Yes. Yes I wear tin foil hats. Lol all you want, but I aint lettin them cias read my mind and discover were my moonshine be stashed.
Besides, very short hair reminds you of your much needed space-monkeyness, that evasive quality of the selfless warrior, that acceptance of temporality and the inherent courage and noble passion of those who are truly devoid of fear.
Space-monkeyness is a very samurai concept: it has a lot to do with being able to take in good humour the adust and spartan stance before the world that truly leads to the Way of the Warrior.
Ice cream makes happy monkey happy.
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