Friday, March 05, 2010


Very early on my life I figured the whole 'organized religion' was not really my gig. I grew up in a home where it was just not an issue. Both my parents are pantheists, my mom being also of vaguely christian ideas.

My brothers and I went to an elementary school run by nuns. It was really just for convenince's sake, it was close to where we lived.

Anyway, it all has to do with this: I have a pretty close understanding of the catholic mindset. And I can say nuns come in two flavors. No, wait, that's the very wrong way to put it. Nuns come in two modalities: the bitter nun and the sweet nun. No nuns inbetween.

The bitter nun is a woman who figured 'I cant't get a job and I can't get a husband so fuck it, I'll be a nun'. Either that or they reckon Jesus will marry basically anyone. The sweet nun on the other hand is secretly persuing being a saint. Everytime she does a good deed she thinks 'Yes, fifty points for Gryffindor!'.

So, I remember this particular nun. She was young and pretty. She wasn't a full-flagged nun just yet—she was still in the way. She had brown hair and freckles. And a cute little nose. I was seven or eight, but I remember she once told me something like 'If you smile, everyday there is something to thank God'. I don't remember the exact words, but it was about that.

And it is a shame, really. She was caring and kind and selfless. She would have been a great mom, and her kids would have been very lucky to have her. I don't know, but it makes me kinda sad to think about that...

But, you know, whatever floats your boat, I guess.


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