Tuesday, August 29, 2006

More quotes.

Do one thing every day that scares you.

-Baz Luhrmann

The impact this phrase had in my life was such, that it became a personal policy. Actually, few texts have had so much influence on me like Baz Luhrmann’s Graduation Speech.

But why is this quote so good? Doing one scary thing daily is a good example of a way to fight things that limit you. Perhaps meeting new people scares you. Maybe you are afraid of what others may think of you. Maybe you are afraid of starting over, or go chasing a dream that everybody says is impossible.

Well, to hell with fear! That is what this sentence is about. When you have to make a choice, you should never let fear take the decision. Maybe every day someone bugs you in the office and you just cope with it. Why not punching that asshole in the face next time? Just to see what happens.

Everyday you take the subway back home and the girl in the 44B ticket booth is really cute, but everyday you feel shy and never go talk to her. Do it. You cannot let fear of failing keep you from trying.

The thing is, you CAN change things around you. You just have to stop being afraid and do it. Remember, you are in charge of yourself! You are your only master and your only slave. Fuck everyting else.

You are free.


At August 30, 2006 at 11:03 PM, Blogger Flexis said...

Everyday I stand in front of the mirror and say boo!

At September 8, 2006 at 9:03 AM, Blogger cesarsimon said...

dude, no need for the "boo". just stand there.

At October 13, 2006 at 11:39 AM, Blogger Manuel said...

He golpeado al que me cagaba en la oficina. Perdi mi trabajo. Ahora soy libre para MORIR DE HAMBRE.



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